

The Gallery Module displays images organized by SectionsRows, and Cells.

  1. Click on the Add to Main Content button and select the Gallery module.
  2. Mouse over the module and click on Edit.
  3. Enter a Title and Description and select a Theme from the dropdown menu. The Theme determines the color of the background.

    gallery config tab
  4. Click on the Content tab. The Gallery module is organized by a hierarchy where Sections contain Rows, which contain Cells. SectionsRows, and Cells can be added, edited, reordered, and deleted from the Content tab.
  5. Click Add a Section.

    gallery content tab
  6. Enter a title for the Section and click Save Section.

    gallery add new section tab
  7. Click the Edit button for the section you wish to add rows to.
  8. Click Add a Row to add a row to the section.
  9. Select a Row Layout from the dropdown menu. This will determine the number and size of cells.
  10. Click on Edit and fill out the information for each cell.
  11. Make sure to click Save Cell when editing each cell.

    gallery edit row

Last updated: October 28, 2022


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