


This calendar presents the cycle of important tasks and dates that department chairs and some program directors should be aware of. Note that regularly occurring events (e.g., Faculty Meetings, Chairs Meetings, breaks, holidays, etc.) are not listed.
Chair and Program Director Meetings are normally scheduled for the second Tuesday of each month.


  • Begin term as Chair (July 1) 
  • Welcome and assist new and visiting faculty who are arriving on campus
  • Update the departmental website faculty listing
  • Remind faculty of the August 1 deadline for submitting periodic leave proposals for the following academic year


  • Write supporting letters for periodic leave proposals; submit by August 20
  • Discuss with senior colleagues any potential nominations for promotion; deadline for nomination September 1.
  • Schedule regular departmental meetings for the semester. Begin to delegate some departmental service duties to other members of the department
  • Collaborate with your faculty on class visitation schedules with a view toward reappointment, tenure, and promotion processes as necessary.
  • Begin planning for visiting speakers for the academic year. Direct colleagues to the DOF online Speaker Request form to seek approval for speakers.
  • Check in with new faculty, offering to review syllabi to make sure they include grading policies and other syllabus components endorsed by your department and the College.
  • Ask faculty for any new courses for Spring term and get CAP approval.
  • Update online catalog on CAP catalog too


  • Inform any candidates for promotion to Professor that they have been nominated by the department (Sept. 1); provide the Dean with a recommendations for external scholars to serve as reviewers (Sept 15)
  • Chair should receive access to candidate tenure files on Interfolio from the Dean’s Office for departmental recommendation by September 1. Prepare recommendations for tenure files; due October 1.
  • Discuss and prepare with colleagues the deparment's recommendations for reappointment in professor of instruction, renewable, and special appointment positions. Due September 15.
  • Submit search initiation forms if conducting a tenure-track search
  • Update online catalog on CAP catalog tool
  • Submit Spring course schedule information to Registrar’s Office (usually due end of September)
  • Submit departmental recommendation letter on tenure cases to Interfolio (October 1)
  • Receive and discuss budget planning information for the next fiscal year from the Business Office. Includes operating budget, equipment, computer requests, office improvements, adjunct, and nonacademic personnel requests (Early October)
  • Prepare departmental recommendation for faculty standing for promotion to Senior Lecturer (October 15)
  • Discuss possible allocation requests with department and prepare Executive Summary -- due to CAP November 1
  • Receive and check departmental slot tracker data. Plan the following year’s staffing needs taking into account full-year leaves, etc., communicating needs to the dean.


  • Submit executive summary of allocation request to CAP chair (Nov. 1)
  • Submit departmental budget requests including operating budget, equipment requests, computer requests, office improvements, adjunct, and nonacademic personnel requests (early-November)


  • No extra ones. You are too busy.


  • Schedule departmental meetings for the semester.
  • Ask faculty for any new courses for the following academic year and get CAP approval.
  • Update online catalogue on CAP catalogue tool.
  • Meet with department to discuss reappointment of faculty in tenurable positions.  Recommendation letter is due Feb 1 to the Dean.
  • Remind faculty of approaching deadline for annual reports to DOF office (February 1)
  • Prepare departmental allocation request to CAP (due February 1)
  • Reappointment recommendation letters due to Dean’s Office via Interfolio (February 1)
  • Conduct performance appraisals for staff and Administrators
  • Process Concentration declarations
  • Prepare fall course schedule information for the Registrar’s Office (due mid-February)
  • Meet with untenured faculty to discuss chair's annual review for the preceding calendar year (by March 1)
  • Assign advisors to new concentrators
  • Submit requests for possible leave replacement or other visiting/adjunct positions for next academic year


  • Submit to the Dean’s office a list of names of tenure candidates (March 1). Begin discussing with colleagues appropriate external reviewers
  • Begin review of promotion to Full Professor materials (recommendations due April 1)
  • Receive final operating budget for next fiscal year from Business Office
  • Submit staff performance appraisals to Human Resources and the Dean’s office
  • Work on annual reviews of department faculty. Ask your senior-most colleague to write your review
  • Do something fun over spring break. And work on annual reviews.
  • Submit annual reviews to the Dean (April 1)
  • Submit names of at least two possible tenure-file reviewers to the Dean’s office (April 1)
  • Submit departmental recommendation letters for promotion candidates to the Dean (April 1)
  • Discuss departmental awards 
  • Work with colleagues to assign new advisors to concentrators whose advisors will take a periodic leave in the next academic year.  The new advisors will assume duties after July 1.
  • Review catalog copy for upcoming year
  • Submit the department’s annual assessment of senior projects
  • Confirm with the Dean's office the names of faculty in tenure-track, Professor of Instruction, Special Appointment, and renewable positions who are up for reappointment, and adjuncts who are up for reappointment or promotion to Senior Lecturer to the Dean’s office (May 1)
  • Submit Graduation Certification to Registrar’s Office (early May after classes)


  • Assist Associate Dean with departmental office assignments for next year
  • For Professor of Instruction reappointment or promotion, submit up to three names of colleagues outside of the department to comment on the candidate's administrative work, if applicable (by June 15).
  • Submit Departmental Annual report for academic year (by June 30). Share summary or non-confidential portions of the report with department members.

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