


The New York City Special Scholarship

The New York City Special Scholarship, established in 1990 by a challenge grant and by matching gifts from alumni and friends of the College, is awarded to students from the five boroughs of New York City.

This scholarship was established in 1999 by The Louis Calder Foundation, which has a history of supporting programs designed to assist New York City youth in the pursuit of their academic endeavors. In recognition of their persistence in navigating difficult economic and social circumstances and their achievement in earning a high school diploma, the Foundation initiated a grant program to create endowed funds at area colleges and universities to provide financial aid for academically successful but economically challenged New York City students.

March 2015


Please note: The named scholarships profiled on these pages support the College’s generous need-based financial aid commitment. These donor-funded scholarships help ensure the 51ÁÔÆæ promise of keeping education affordable through meeting a student’s full demonstrated financial need.

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