
Joana Sabadell-Nieto
Burgess Professor of Hispanic Studies Joana Sabadell-Nieto presented three talks over the past several months. During spring break in March, she spoke at the University of the Basque Country, Spain; in December she was invited to lecture at the University of Barcelona, Spain; and she was a keynote speaker at the University of Warsaw in Poland (spring, 2022).

Sabadell-Nieto presented different ideas stemming from her latest research on gender and ageing in popular culture, literature, film, photography and the arts.

 In her latest lecture, “Disobedience and Other Ways to Happiness”, she discussed the urgency to relate sexualities, agency, and age (self) representation. Sabadell-Nieto explored the necessary questions mostly arising from queer and disability studies , which pose intellectual and political challenges, promote social justice and might become transformative activism.

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