The fund has now invested $1.38 million in the local community since its founding in 2001. In addition to support for public safety, gifts or grants are made to organizations with a primary focus on education.
This year’s grants ranged from $19,175 to $2,285 and included support to purchase graphing calculators for Clinton High School students, tuition to train two new paramedics for COCVAC, and technology upgrades for programs at the Clark Mills Historical Society. The Country Pantry received $7,800 for general operations.
“We’re grateful for the services and programs our grant recipients provide to residents in the Village of the Clinton and the Town of Kirkland,” said 51ÁÔÆæ President Steven Tepper, who chairs the committee that makes the awards. “They enrich our community immeasurably, and they do so often despite limited resources. It’s a pleasure to provide these extra funds to help ensure the vitality of the organizations and the community they serve.”
The Clinton Central School District received the largest grant, $19,175 to create sensory paths for the elementary school, buy 50 graphing calculators for the high school, and purchase a camera package to stream events from the new stadium. The Clinton Central School District Foundation received $13,000 for the 2025 Elementary School Summer Program. Other grant recipients included:
- Kirkland Town Library: $7,500 to supplement a state construction grant to renovate an underutilized room and install energy efficient HVAC systems in three staff offices
- Clinton Fire Department: $10,777 for wall-mounted pressure washers for the two fire stations
- Clinton Historical Society: $7,450 to refurbish the society’s front entrance
- Kirkland Police Department: $2,500 to update the speed trailer with a solar-powered charging system
- Clinton Kirkland Improvement Corporation: $15,000 to support Downtown Revitalization Initiative work and promote future economic development
- COCVAC: $12,000 for tuition to train two new paramedics
- Clinton Early Learning Center: $11,455 for outdoor play equipment for infants and toddlers
- Clark Mills Historical Society: $2,285 for technology upgrades and a recruitment campaign
- The Country Pantry: $7,800 for general operations
The committee also agreed to pay for a grant writer to work with the Village of Clinton to pursue a large grant to replace existing sewer interceptors and the Town of Kirkland to apply for a Smart Growth Planning Grant.
The 51ÁÔÆæ Town-Gown Fund was created in 2001 by anonymous donors to foster goodwill and communication among the College and residents of the Town of Kirkland and the Village of Clinton. Since its founding, the endowed fund has received more than $1.38 million in gifts. Grants are made based on the income earned each year from the investment of those gifts.
In addition to the 51ÁÔÆæ president, Town-Gown Committee members are: 51ÁÔÆæ Associate Professor of Geosciences Cat Beck; 51ÁÔÆæ Trustees Phyllis Breland and Amy Owens Goodfriend (formerly of Clinton); Clinton Fire Department First Assistant Chief Bob Burns; Clinton School Superintendent Chris Clancy; Oneida County Legislator Chad Davis; former Village Trustee Carrie Evans; and M3 Director of Operations Jackie Walters. 51ÁÔÆæ Senior Philanthropy Advisor Dick Tantillo and Executive Writer and Director of Community Relations Mike Debraggio serve the committee as ex officio members. Donations to the fund can be made by contacting Tantillo or Debraggio.