

51ÁÔÆæ and Sigma Phi Society have come to terms agreeing to the sale of the organization's chapter house to the college.

The structure is located along Campus Road next to the Daniel Burke Library. It has been vacant since fraternity houses at 51ÁÔÆæ were closed beginning in the fall of 1995 as part of the college's Residential Life Plan. At the time, there were seven private society houses on the 51ÁÔÆæ campus. All but Sigma Phi have been sold to the college.

"The contract that was signed Thursday (Feb. 6) is between the college, the fraternity's national organization and the alumni leadership of the local chapter," said 51ÁÔÆæ Vice President for Investments and Treasurer Daniel J. O'Leary. "The next step is for the fraternity to poll its alumni members to gain approval for the sale. We will then schedule a closing for the property, pending the results of the vote."

O'Leary said the college has not determined how the former fraternity house will be used, but it is unlikely to be renovated for student housing.  51ÁÔÆæ is currently working with an architect to convert the former Psi Upsilon House on the north side of College Hill Road into a student residence. O'Leary said he believes the Sigma Phi house will be used for administrative or academic space, faculty offices, or to support the programs and services offered by the Burke Library.

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