
Gary Wyckoff
Gary Wyckoff
It has taken 17 years, but the president and Congress have finally accomplished what eight 51ÁÔÆæ students achieved as part of a public policy class: overhaul the health care system.

In the spring of 1993, the 51ÁÔÆæ students were given 100 days by Professor Gary Wyckoff (the same deadline given to President Clinton’s Health Care Task Force and, not coincidentally, roughly the amount of time in a single semester) to fix the nation’s health care system. Their plan earned them telephone calls with the president’s Task Force, two appearances on the NBC Today Show to discuss their ideas and a story on ABC News. An op-ed by then-ABC News medical correspondent George Strait P'94 titled “The Clinton (N.Y.) Health Plan” appeared in the May 23, 1993, New York Times.

To be fair, the students did not have to get their plan through Congress, but their ideas did have to pass muster with Prof. Wyckoff. He gave them a B-plus.

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