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Couper Hall 204

Anna Accettola received her B.A. in history and classical studies from the University of the Pacific, her M.A. in Greek and Roman Studies from Brandeis University, and her Ph.D. in history from the University of California, Los Angeles. Her main research interest involves the economic inclusion and exclusion of non-Greek foreigners in Greek city-states during the late Classical and Hellenistic periods. Accettola is an expert in material culture and specializes in numismatics (the study of ancient coins). Her dissertation was on the economic, social, and legal mechanisms which supported long-distance trade between the Greek city-states and the Nabataean Kingdom. She also studies the experience of being female and foreign as portrayed by Greek men in ancient drama.

Select Publications

  • “To Whom Does the King Kneel? The Absent Supplicandus in First-Century Republican Coinage.” The American Journal of Numismatics (2024; forthcoming).
  • “IG XII Suppl. 307: Proxenia and Second-Century Nabataea.” Bulletin of Ancient History 37.3-4 (2023; forthcoming).
  • “New Owls: A Die Study of Sabaean Imitations of Athenian ‘New Style’ Owls.” The American Journal of Numismatics (2023; forthcoming).

Appointed to the Faculty


Educational Background

Ph.D., University of California, Los Angeles
M.A., Brandeis University
B.A., University of the Pacific

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